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Hi Hylton,
You can transform your fomula in C3 of your Summary sheet like this:
This formula will add the values in the data column, provided the RECON
is not "Y" (which is what you would like to have) and if the beginning
of the date matches the year/month you have in column A of Summary.
This will work provided you have the "Enable wildcards in formulas" set
to ON (Tools > Options > LibreOffice Calc > Calculate).
This was done in LO 6.1 but I believe it should work in older versions
as well.
I hope this helps.

Le vendredi 28 septembre 2018 à 07:34 +1200, Steve Edmonds a écrit :
Hi Hylton.
There is an ISBLANK() function that will test if the cell is blank. 
Safer might be to test IF UPPER($Data.F$3:F$1000)  NOT "Y"
Check the help on SUMFS also for multiple test criteria as you could 
test for ISBLANK(), is not "y", is not "Y"

Is there a reason you are not entering the dates as a date rather
than a 


On 28/09/2018 03:24, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:
I am using the formula of


This formula works but I would like to have a blank field i.e. "" 
instead of "N".

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