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If I understand your question correctly....

Turn on <View><Text Boundaries> and <Table Boundaries>. This will make it easier to see what's happening.
This will result in even columns. Then <Table><Insert Table> in each 
column after "Insert manual column break from the Insert menu".
Tested on Win7 with LibreOffice Version: (x64)

It is very likely that you can automate this function by <Record Macro> for a Menu of your own.
Hope this helps.

On 9/26/2018 1:42 AM, Gary Collins wrote:
Ive found out how to resize tables so they dont take up the full page width (though to be honest i 
usually find it easier and more flexible to simply include an additional  empty column to right and 
left and adjust widths as required) but what i would really like to be able to do is to have two 
(or perhaps more) tables juxtaposed horizontally. Is there a way to align tables horizontally 
(without resorting to frames, which i tend to find are a right pain in the proverbials)?
Im currently using version build 1:5.2.2-0ubuntu2.1

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