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Le dimanche 23 septembre 2018 à 16:14 +0200, Ricardo Berlasso a écrit :
El dom., 23 sept. 2018 a las 16:07, Peggy (<>)

I've tried several ways after searching, including one that's
supposed to
be for the latest LibreOffice. It's writer I want to change since I
use the others. Also I try to set the paragraph spacing the way I
want and
it won't stick. A footer with page number will stick.

Every time I set up "My Template" or try to edit the derfault
Template to
get rid of Liberation serif which I dislike, to Arial, it changes
back on subtitle, etc.. Even if I save a file set up the way I want
open it, the default fonts have changed. I've spent an hour trying
to find
a way to create a template or even a file, making a desktop
shortcut so I
can open that file as a template, and nothing works.

Does someone know how to change the default Template permanently
and then
how to pin that one to the taskbar permanently?

File → Templates → Save as template → check the option "set as
template" *should* work... except when you are creating your
documents not
from within LibO, but with a right click on the desktop/file manager:
template used in that action is not the template used by LibO, that
template is installed in the system and needs to be changed
Which OS are you using? (I guess Windows, in which case I cannot help
more, sorry).


Hi Peggy,
You have to alter the styles in order for the model to behave
correctly. Create a blank Writer document, then set it up the way you
want by changing the "Default Style" to Arial with proper paragraph
spacing, etc. Make sure you change the parent style if you want your
change to be propagated to the others. One easy way of seeing which are
parent styles, you can open the Styles and Formatting side bar and
switch to hierarcchical view (drop down at the bottom of the side bar);
one other way is to go to the Organizer tab of the style and to look at
the "Inherit From" setting.
Once you are happy with the setup, go to File -> Templates -> Save as
Template like Ricardo indicated (do not forget the "Set as default"), I
usually put the new template in "My Templates". Then - to be really
sure - just close and re-open LO. When you select Create New Writer
document, your new template with your new settings should be used.
I hope this helps.
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