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On Saturday, 8 September 2018 11:12:19 BST Dave Howorth wrote:
On Sat, 08 Sep 2018 10:15:13 +0100
Ianseeks <> wrote:

On Saturday, 8 September 2018 01:14:35 BST Remy Gauthier wrote:

I am not sure I understand your question. However, when you open the
Find and Replace panel, there are a "Find Next", "Find Previous" and
"Replace" buttons that enable you to locate the next instance of the
string to replace (or the previous); if you hit "Replace" at that
point, the replace operation will be performed and you will be
taken to the next instance of the string to replace. At that point,
the operation will pause, waiting for your input.

I hope this helps.

He wants LO to prompt the user to Replace/Ignore for every occurrence
of a find rather replace everything without a choice.
That's what Remy just described, and what LO offers.
Yes, its not obvious from the dialog that you need to press Find then Replace (or Replace twice) to 
execute the replace. I was just responding to Remy's question to clarify 
Le vendredi 07 septembre 2018 à 10:02 -0700, arakish a écrit :  
In the "Find and Replace" dialogue box, why is there no option
for "Prompt On Replace" as there is in all other word processor

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