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Hi. I've been trying to get my head round report builder (it seems a very steep learning curve, ill-documented), and there's one issue that's eluding me - how to conditionally completely suppress output.
I'm trying to format an address book from material in a database. As 
usual, there'll be fields for name, 1st and 2nd lines of address, town, 
email, phone, etc.
I can do a simple-minded report using report builder, which looks at the 
moment to fulfil the need, except for one problem. When a database field 
is empty (eg, no email or no 2nd address line), is there any way of 
completely suppressing that line of output? I don't want pointless blank 
lines appearing.
It's exactly the issue raised at
but the linked solution on an OO web page doesn't seem relevant to LO -- (I can't find Insert > Section in this context).
I'm hoping I'm just missing something obvious - I'd be grateful for any 
pointers please. Also, is there a good tutorial around with examples for 
report builder?

Mike Scott (unet2 <at> [deletethis]
Harlow Essex England
"The only way is Brexit" -- anon.

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