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Le 23/08/2018 à 14:01, lunixbox a écrit :


I am assuming that you're not using dbase as your database engine, and
that you just abbreviated database to dbase in the title of your
message. The dBase format supported by LibreOffice is rather limited in
terms of functionality, so I would hope that you are using another db
engine instead, such as the actual "per default" hsqldb engine included
with LO.

Looking for advice, using the scanned  bar code give the product, then i
want to use Box-ID to add a THT.Date. All in that box is that date. Now
i pull some hair to think of a way for the form-OUT or IN  that has the
(scanned) product to add the Box-ID so the total is + or - 1. So just
item,s IN and OUT
I'm not really sure I understand how you want a BoxID, which I presume
is a barcode, and therefore probably a text string, to be added to a
date string held in the THT.Date field, and arrive at a result of +1 or -1.

Again, if I have understood correctly, you want a result of a
calculation to be displayed in a form control that can be expressed as
either +1 or -1. You could in that case just as equally choose 0 or 1,
and then use a boolean or binary field (generally, these are TINYINT(1)
or CHAR(1) fields, to hold the result.

However, you still need to determine when the result of your addition
should be 0/1 or +1/-1 - this can only be achieved by calculation. This
other calculation could be achieved:

- by macro;
- by using a constraint (if the db engine supports that kind of constraint);
- by using a trigger (if the db engine supports that kind of trigger).


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