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You might try creating a odt on C drive.  Copy to your server and then see if it opens. Also, in Windows, check the permissions comparing LibreOffice 5 to 6 created documents. I assume that since 5 worked on the server, the linux permissions are correct.

Hope this helps

On 8/9/2018 5:02 PM, Howard Fleming wrote:
Good afternoon,

I have run into an interesting issue with a small network I maintain.

Server is CentOS with Samba services (up to date with patches and updates).

When using Libreoffice 5.x, I am able to open, create, edit and save files on the network without any issues.

After upgrading Libreoffice to 6.0.6, anytime I go to edit an existing file on the network, I get:

The lock file could not be created for exclusive access by LibreOffice due to missing permission to create the lock file on that file location or lack of free disk space.

Neither of the above conditions exist.  If I continue and open the file as read only, when I try to save it on the network I get:

This file cannot be edited, possibly due to missing access rights. Do you want to edit a copy of the document?

If I attempt to save the file in the same location, but with a different file name, I get:

Error saving the document Untitled 1:  Object not accessible.  The object cannot be access due to insufficient user rights.

If I then attempt to save the document to the local drive (C), it works as expected.

So far in searches have not found anything referencing this issue except for one tech document on Novell.

This ONLY affects Libreoffice, MS office on the same machine does not have any issues.

I have rolled Libreoffice back to version 5 on one machine that having this issue, and it opens and saves files without any issues.

Any suggestions?


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