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Hi anne-ology,

anne-ology schrieb am 27.05.2018 um 19:45:
       The best method can't be done with these computers - I've tried LOs,
as well as others, only to be disappointed yet again;
          so my suggestion would be to draw what you have in mind,
             then scan this into your machine;
                 you'll then have what you've imagined.

       BTW - even expert cartoonists, as Disney's, have not been able to
find a machine to make drawings better than the artist;
          for proof, just compare Disney's animated films - the hand-drawn
ones are so superior to the computer robotic movements.

You disregard the point, that Draw is a tool for construction of vector graphics. It is not a tool for painting. So do not blame Draw for not been able to do, for which it is not designed.

Kind regards

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