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Hi Albert,

Albert Oszkó schrieb am 22.05.2018 um 20:01:
Thank you, Regina! I am experimenting.
Draw has a lot of features. In case you get stuck, simple ask. Here are 
lot of users with ideas.
 In the meantime I found freeCAD
but it is not meant to my level of knowledge.
Here an idea: Draw a ring. That is in Basis Shapes. Draw a rectangle as 
"tube" in the desired length. Bring it in front of the ring and move it 
so, that is covers only one side of the ring, but does not reach to the 
opposite side of the ring. Copy the rectangle to clipboard. Select 
rectangle and ring together, right-click. From this context menu use 
item Shapes > Subtract. Now you have cut a part of the ring, so that the 
gap nicely fits to the "tube"-rectangle. Paste clipboard to draw the 
"tube"-rectangle again. Move the rectangle so that it covers both sides 
of the ring. Send rectangle behind the ring. Mark both and group it. Now 
you can rotate and move the drawing.
Kind regard

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