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On 12-5-2018 04:55, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
Good morning
Just installed LibreOffice 6.0.4 (on the computer where I had problems
with copying).

Because I am getting older and my vision deteriorates,
the fist thing I always do with new/upgraded software is to increase
interface font size.

I know how to increase the size of the icons in the menu bars,
but unfortunately I could not yet figure out how to increase the
interface font size.
There seems to be no such item under "Options"

Could somebody please direct me to the relevant setting (in the hope,
there IS such setting).
Thank you

In Windows 10 you can increase the size of the fonts for all
applications using:
- rightcLick the windows logo, and choos System
- choose Display
- under 'Change the size of text, apps, and other items', choose a
higher percentage (i.e. 125%)

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