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make sure this is not checked  (before saving):

When re-opening, there should not be an automatic  recalclulation....

On 07-02-18 13:26, Philip Jackson wrote:
Using Calc

I would like a Calc file to load without recalculating so that I can
recalculate manually at a moment of my choosing.

While trying to find how to do this, I came across mention of
AutoCalculate in the on-board help files (F1) - it refers to "Tools -
Cell Contents - Autocalculate"  but this does not exist on my version of

I found Tools > Options > LibreOffice Calc > Formula which provides an
option for 'never recaculate' for ODF spreadsheets (Not saved by
LibreOffice). The corresponding entry in the F1 Help says as a tip -

 "LibreOffice saved ODF spreadsheets will honor Never recalculate and
Always recalculate options".

I have that set to Never recalculate but it is not honoured by Calc.

Any suggestions for preventing recalc on load will be much appreciated.


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