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Il 25/01/2018 04:39, Steve Edmonds ha scritto:
Can you open Kate or Kwrite in KDE and type Sanskrit.

On 25/01/18 15:55, Tim-L wrote:
This was sent to me, when it should have gone to this list.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:     Typing Sanskrit in Libre writer..
Date:     Wed, 24 Jan 2018 14:07:22 -0600
From:     L.R. Rao <>

Dear Sir/Madam,
I have added the 'Sanskrit2003' fonts in the hidden language list.
I am using KDE of Linux. Please let me know how to proceed further
to type in Sanskrit using Libre writer.
Thank you,
L. R. Rao.


You have to enable indian languages in the set of available languages for your keyboard in KDE
I have no KDE available at the moment, so I paste here the old 
instructions for KDE 4.2.2 (change where needed - you need to copy 
sanskrit2003 fonts in your fonts folder):
Click on the KDE menu start button -> Computer -> System Settings -> 
Language and Country.
Select "Keyboard Mapping".
In the «layout» tab, check «Enable keyboard layouts».
From the list of available mappings, select India and add it to the active mappings by clicking on the green arrow.
Click Apply and then close the dialog.
The keyboard layout indicator will then appear on the KDE panel, where you can click to select the desired language. After choosing the layout for the Indian keyboard, you can then use the font sanskrit2003, selecting it, in your favorite applications, from the respective character menu.

Maybe also this thread can help you.

Just click on the link near "Next by thread:" (bottom of the page) to go on reading next message.


Luca Daghino
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Icq/Licq/Gaim #175451007
Debian Powered Linux Registered User #310800 at
No retreat baby no surrender - coop di produttori e utilizzatori di energia da fonti rinnovabili
tad evaarthamaatra-nirbhaasaM svaruupa-shuunyam iva samaadhiH
Sanskrit - Realize it's the common language ;-)

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