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i have files showing up which have no directory on ubuntu 16.04
in lwhen I open libre office..

another is called like.php

does any know how to find where these are coming from and how to get

them off my machine and out of libre office.  list of open files. ??

On 2017-12-11 04:55 AM, Matthias Wimmer wrote:
Hello list,

can anybody give me some pointers how I could debug a rendering problem
I have with LibreOffice under Linux?

When I try to write japanese Text (vertically from right to left) it
works very well on my MacBook using MacOS. But on my Debian Linux system
this writing mode is nearly unusable.

The problem is, that any text I enter is displaced to the top and to the
right. Please see a screenshot I made of this:

You see 4 characters I entered and selected. The blue box is the area
where the characters should be rendered. But instead the glphys are
moved to the top and to the right.

Directly after I type the characters, the glyphs are even croped and
just the part that lays inside the blue rectangle gets rendered. I get
the complete (but displaced) glyphes (as in the screenshot), when I
force a re-rendering for example by resizing the LibreOffice window.

As I said: I only have this problem on Linux, on MacOS everything
works as expected. (I never tried it on Windows.)

LibreOffice is installed as a debian package in version 1:5.4.3-4+b1.
I am running xmonad as my window manager (but I have the same problems
using current Gnome) and my X server is xserver-xorg-core at version
1.19.5-1. For text input I use ibus-daemon with the mozc IME.

So my questions are:
- Is vertical writing mode supposed to work on Linux?
- If yes: any idea how I could debug the problem?


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