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On Sun, 2017-12-03 at 09:37 +0100, Robert Großkopf wrote:
Hi Robert,

I think I can see what you are trying to do, but nothing happens on
clicking the button. 

First there should appear a messagebox with question: "Should the
... be executed?"
If you click "yes" here the update will be executed.

The values of 'class' remain fixed at 1,3,2. Also
I get no messages like warning of macro execution. (Macro Security
level Medium)

I have the same: Security medium, my only documents in Trusted
Sources >
Trusted File Locations.

Macro will be executed here and update to 2,4,3 will be executed.

Don't know what is going wrong there with your installation.

If you have opened the table at the same time you have to refresh the
data of the table afterwords - but if you don't see the messagebox
is something totally wrong with macro-executing.

Hi Robert,

I fear that you are right, there is something totally wrong with the
macro. Another reason for not wanting to go that way.


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