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2017-11-21 1:06 GMT+01:00 Andrew Pitonyak <>:

Look at my random DB ramblings....

I don't remember if I have better coverage they're pretty in my primary
macro book

But I do explain them, but I cannot check the documents from my phone...

Ok, I'll have a look, thank you for replying!
And thanks to everyone else who also replied, here or to me in private
(probably intended for the list).

I also remembered that I think I've done this before a couple of years ago
(I wonder how I found out how to do it back then…), so I'll also have a
look at old code. I usually never delete anything, so I should find it if
it exists…

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

Sent from BlueMail <>
On Nov 20, 2017, at 4:47 PM, Johnny Rosenberg <>


I have some problems to find information about this. All I found after
hours of searching are few examples that probably work in some situations
but certainly not what I'm looking for,

The problem is that those examples contains a lot of anonymous numbers and
stuff but no explanation what so ever what those numbers mean or where I
can find the details.

Here's the closest thing I came up with so far:
Sub Main
Dim HOME As String
Dim DirName As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim Args(1) As new

DirName = HOME & "/Some/Path/"
FileName = ConvertToURL(DirName & "/MyFile.csv")
' Get the latest results.
Shell(HOME & "/bin/", True)
Args(0).Name = "FilterName"
Args(0).Value = "Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)"
Args(1).Name = "FilterOptions"
Args(1).Value = "44,34,76,1,,0,False,True,True,False"
StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(FileName, "_default", 2, Args())
End Sub

Exactly what does ”44,34,76,1,,0,False,True,True,False” mean? Where can I
find information about this? What is True? What is False? Why is something
missing between two commas? Many questions come to my mind…

Problems at the moment:

   1. The code above seems to treat my file as comma separated. I need TAB
   only as separator.
   2. The CSV file is imported to a new window. I want it to overwrite
   existing (old and outdated) information in columns A:D (without messing
   with my conditional and unconditional formatting) on Sheet 0.

After som further experimenting I seem to have solved problem 1. It seems
lik means Chr(44), which is a comma, and Chr(34) os a double quote. The
following line gave me separate columns for every TAB:
Args(1).Value = "9,,76,1,,0,False,True,True,False"
But what does the rest mean? Chr(76)="L", which seems weird, so I guess the
”76” means something else.

I wonder why this kind of information is so hard to find. For easy stuff,
when no manual is needed, you can find tons of information, but when things
are a bit more cryptic, when a manual is really, really needed, you can
search for hours and find nothing, as it seems. Maybe I'm wrong, I actually
hope I am, even if I would look stupid… :P

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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