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Hi :)
Try just "apt" instead of "apt-get" sometime.  It's new, I think.  It uses
apt-get but adds some functionality and I think it can be set to be more
colourful too.

Apt-Get Upgrade often leaves about 4 packages (perhaps the
linux-headers?).  These can be installed seperately by apt-get now but I
used to have to use Synaptic's upgrade button.

Apt Upgrade does it all and after the download/get part it gives a
progress-bar to show how far it's got through the (unpack/unzip/uncompress
+ install + setting-up/configuring) processes.  The progress-bar doesn't
claim to show time & an eta but instead just shows work-done and work

I think "apt" uses apt-get to do most of the work but then just adds some
extra bits, or makes them easier to remember or something.

So apt is more like the default package manager in Arch now - but easier to
remember and use.

Regards from
a Tom :)

On 16 Nov 2017 19:54, "Tim-L" <> wrote:

Yes, I have to add "Synaptic" every time I do a clean install of Ubuntu.

I also go to "Ubuntu Software Center" to see what might be a good package
to install.

I also like "sudo apt-get update" and "upgrade"

On 11/15/2017 09:38 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Yeh, each different package manager offers it's own advantages.  Synaptic
is no longer the default one but I usually install it because it can
individual packages and it's about as powerful as using the command-line
package managers such as apt and apt-get.
Regards from
a Tom :)

On 15 Nov 2017 01:00, "Tim-L" <> wrote:

I go to the Synaptic Package Manager and check the package for removal,
not complete removal.  That ends the system trying to install the package
after the first "fail to install".

I learned this the hard way months ago with a different set of packages I
wanted to try that kept giving me errors installing or will not open up
without errors.

On 11/14/2017 11:28 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Thanks :)

The line under the "apt remove" which was just the package name repeated
was a typo that i'd meant to delete.  Typing that line in prolly
do anything at all, or it might sort the problem out by accident.

The main idea was to just remove the package and remove any lingering
Regards from
a Tom :)

On 13 Nov 2017 22:50, "Joe Conner" <> wrote:

Thanks Tom, I will implement your suggestion. I have been getting the
up two to three times a day. If I don't get it again for awhile I will
that info too.

Blessings, Joe Conner

On 11/12/2017 04:41 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

sudo apt remove ttf-mscorefonts-installer


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