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Le 09/11/2017 à 15:36, Mike Scott a écrit :

I think the code is badly structured - the grabFrame method has no way
of specifying an offset. It should have, and whatever runs the slide
displaying should pick the first or last as appropriate.

Is it really so simple? And do the dev's lurk here at all, or do I need
to stick this on the dev list??

Contributions gratefully received :-) It may be that no one ever really
looked at the problem or found the time to go back to that part of the code.

Best bet would be to introduce yourself on the dev list. They will ask
you to contribute the code via gerrit, the code submission tool that the
project uses and send in a mail about your contributions being released
under the relevant licenses the project uses. It will undergo a review
and if deemed acceptable and advantageous, which it seems to be from
what you relate, get accepted into the master source branch. If you're
up for introducing extra functionality to let the user choose where they
want to pick the frame from then even better :-)


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