Hi Kolbjørn,
In Writer I have a table with 2 rows and 2 columns.
In row 2 column 2 I have a formula adding the value in row 1 column 2 to
the value in row 2 column 1 together showing the result in row 2 column 2.
When changing one of the input values row 2 col 2 is not updated unless
I rewrite the formula in the cell. The cells are unprotected.
What am I to do getting Writer recalculating formulas in table cells in
Writer if possible?
Have tested this with LO on OpenSUSE 42.2 64bit rpm Linux. Works
here as expected: automatic recalculation.
LibreOffice (64 bits) on Windows 10.
First: Try to update to LO
Second: Try to start LO with a new user-profile (rename
%appdata%\libreoffice\4\user to start new creating of the profile)
If both doesn't work it will be a special bug aof the Windows-version of LO.
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