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i searched in google and find these tips to restore your windows.
hope that help, God bless you!

If your computer isn't running the way it should, you're getting
strange errors or you just want to return it to its default state,
Windows 10 has your answer. The operating system provides a number of
options that let you restore your computer to an earlier state. Here's
how to reset your PC in Windows 10.
1. Navigate to Settings.  You can get there by clicking the gear icon
on the Start menu.
Select settings
2. Select "Update & security"
Select Update & security
3. Click Recovery in the left pane.
select recovery
 Windows presents you with three major options: Reset this PC, Go back
to an earlier build and Advanced startup. Reset this PC is the best
option for starting fresh. Advanced startup lets you boot off a
recovery USB drive or disc and "Go to an earlier build" is made for
Windows Insiders who want to roll back to a previous version of the
Recovery options
4. Click Get started under Reset this PC.
Click Get started
5. Click either "Keep my files" or "Remove everything," depending on
whether you want to keep your data files intact. Either way, all of
your settings will return to their defaults and apps will be
Choose whether to keep your files
6. Select "Just remove my files" or "Remove files and clean the drive"
if you chose to "remove everything" in the prior step. Cleaning the
drive takes a lot longer but will make sure that, if you are giving
the computer away, the next person will have a hard time recovering
your erased files. If you are keeping the computer, choose "Just
remove my files."
select clean drive option
7. Click Next if Windows warns you that you won't be able to roll back
to a prior version of the OS.
click Next
8. Click Reset when prompted.
Click Reset
Windows will then restart and take several minutes to reset itself.
9. Click Continue when prompted.
Click Continue

On 10/19/17, libo <> wrote:
On 10/18/2017 3:21 PM, James Knott wrote:
On 10/18/2017 03:15 PM, Barry Smith wrote:
When I have a problem installing on Windows 10 as my user (which is
the administrator), I right-click the installation program, and choose
"Run as admin" or whatever the verbiage is. :)

I often do that to, but it wasn't available this time.  However, I was
prompted for the admin password and entered it.  However, the install
still failed.

Do you have CryptoPrevent installed? You will get that error if the
protection is set to "Maximum".


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