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On 10/14/2017 12:29 PM, Gary Dale wrote:
On 12/10/17 10:47 AM, Tim-L wrote:
On 10/11/2017 02:43 PM, Toki wrote:
On 10/11/2017 02:48 PM, Gary Dale wrote:

Either way, with that many palettes in play, there should be a way to manage them other than fiddling with XML files.
Palettes are function specific. As such, if made according to the user
specifications, there is no legitimate reason to change anything within

I agree that there are some users do not want to create a color palette, but add just a few colors they need to use.  I remember doing that a few years ago, for a specific project, before I looked into creating my first color palette.  That seems to be the reason for the "custom" palette - which I currently have empty.

In terms of creating the palette, it is several orders of magnitude
easier to do so, using XML, than colour pickers. (Try creating the
Resena Paint colour palette using a GUI. Doable, but instead of taking
ten or so minutes, you'll spend hours, and need a second person to proof
read the resulting XML file.)

Yes creating the XML palette is easy to do.  All you need is to rename one of the small color palettes and then replacing the values of a line - like this one - with your colors.

<draw:color draw:name="Tango: Aluminium 3" draw:color="#babdb6" />

All you need to do is copy/paste this type of line, then replace the "Tango: Aluminium 3" with a new name.  Then, change this HTML color value of "#babdb6" to the color you want to use.

I have a color palette with Resena colors - over 1370 of them.  I added LibreOffice Branded colors, as well of a few others, bringing the total to about 1400 of them.

Below is the color palette file and then the PDF file of 10 pages with the color names and HTML color codes.

I do have other PDF files for other color palette PDF files. Only some of them are listed on the "" site. The Resene palette is not in the same order as the PDF file. I have 6 versions with it either unsorted or sorted by different methods. using these PDF files, I have searched for specific colors/hues, like wood-brown, gold-like, oranges, etc.. Then I created SOC files for these type of colors.

The PDF files for the large ones, can be found on a web site link on the top of each page of these PDF files.  They are a great way to see defined color names and their associated HTML color code.

Luck was with me when I was given the text list of colors for several large SOC files.

To be honest, if you use a color picker on these PDF color "boxes" you may find the visible color may not be the exactly same color code as listed in the page.  The problem might stem from the software that converted the image files to the PDF pages.  Also, for me, my printed pages are darker then what is shown on the display/monitor.  Syncing the printer to my laptops and desktops is not something most users can do for themselves.  Also only a few printers have drives with options to "tweak" the printed colors.
FYI: The palette list I see is:
What is the extension of those two files?

Regardless, no OS allows two files in the directory to have an identical
name. Some operating systems allow filenames to differ, only by case
that used for one or more glyphs.


Yes, Color.soc and color.soc are different on Ubuntu Linux, but as one professor stated "think of the Windows file names as all uppercase or lower case names. . . ". I have run into this type of limitation with transferring files from my Ubuntu laptop to a NTFS or Fat32 USB flash drive and/or to a Windows format external drive.

Between the /opt/ root system folder[s] and the hidden .config "home" folder [Linux install], I have 11 installed palettes and a few in the works

While for someone literate in XML, creating a palette in XML is not a big deal, that's not your typical end user. At one point most people created formatted text files by embedding descriptions of the text formatting into the text file. Some still do, but doing it through a GUI like Writer or one of the LaTex front ends is the more usual route.

To create a palette using a text editor you have to research the format and find out where to store the file in addition to knowing the colour codes and names. With a GUI, you just need to know the colour codes and names. Which do you think people are more likely to use?

Well, for those who want to just to find a color's HTML code, there are many pre-made color charts charts on the web.  The color chart PDF files I have, on my LibreOffice-NA.US domain, have a link to their source location[s] as part of each page in the PDF file.  With these color charts, there are the color code and the color names for each color shown.  You can just find a color you want and then use the "custom color" option and insert the HTML Hex code there.

For those who just want to go through a palette drop down dialog color selection, they may want to have custom palettes to choose from.  I did a few years back and still do.  That is why I am working one some specific color palettes to use - like wood browns and gold-like colors.

Also, my site shows the location[s] where you find other palette files, or place your own color palettes. Of course you could also look for "standard.soc" in a global search to find where your system placed that file.

At this point, if a user wants to create a color palette[s], they need to do is open a small color palette .soc file in Writer.  Then delete the unwanted color lines.  From there they use one of the color lines and replace the color name and hex code with your own values.  When you wave the file, you need to save it as a .txt file format.  The next step is to change the .txt to a .soc.  For me, the next part is place the new .soc file to the hidden folder ".config/libreoffice/4/user/config" for my Ubuntu laptop.  At that point I close and reopen LibreOffice so I can update what palettes I now have.  To finish the testing I open the color dialog and choose the new palette.

That is how easy it is to create your own palette file.  Since I am making a small color palette for specific colors or project, you will need to limit the number of colors to less than 100-ish.  Some palettes may have only 10 or 20 colors, depending your needs.

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