As a continuation of Gary Dale's question on VLOOKUP, I have been
tinkering with using a matrix expression directly in the function
rather than use a reference to a group of cells. So far, this is what I
1) I placed the text values "1", "2", and "3" in cells A1 to A3
2) I placed the numbers 1, 2, and 3 in cells B1 to B3
In another cell, I put the following formula:
As expected, the result is 2. I then changed the content of A2 from "2"
to "2 ". As expected, again, I get an error. The error goes away if I
search for "2 " or "2"&".*" (I have regular expressions enabled)
instead of "2", like so: =VLOOKUP("2"&".*";A1:B3;2;0)
I then replaced the formula with this (I use a French locale, my column
separators are "." and row separators are ";"):
And I get 2 as a result, as expected. I can also change the formula to
these and everything still works:
=VLOOKUP("2 ";{"1".1;"2 ".2;"3".3};2;0)
=VLOOKUP("2"&" ";{"1".1;"2 ".2;"3".3};2;0)
Now, when I change the formula to:
=VLOOKUP("2"&".*";{"1".1;"2 ".2;"3".3};2;0) or
=VLOOKUP("2"&"*";{"1".1;"2 ".2;"3".3};2;0) with wildcards enabled
nothing works anymore: I get a #N/A (#N/D in French) error.
Before I open a bug, I would like to know if others are experiencing
this behaviour or if I am missing something. I use Version on
Fedora 25.
Thank you.
Rémy Gauthier.
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- [libreoffice-users] Inline matrix used in Calc LOOKUP functions · Remy Gauthier
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