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Preliminary experiments show thst this could be just what i need, but im having one msjor 
difficulty. Is it possible to replace an image within s group without ungrouping first? I try 
selecting the image in the group, right click and replace - which *seems* to do what i want.... 
until i try to move e group. Ths shows me thatt what has actually happened is that the replacement 
image has been inserted in the same screen position but is not psrt of the group, it just overlays 
the image in the group, which remains the same. Am i doing something wrong? Or does it not work in 
the way i thought it would?

On Wed, 20/9/17, Brian Barker <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] frames
 Cc: "Gary Collins" <>
 Date: Wednesday, 20 September, 2017, 12:42
 At 18:29 19/09/2017 +0000, Gary Collins
I have an arrangement of frames on
 a page which i would like to 
exactly replicate on all successive
 pages of the document. How do i 
go about this?
 You can do this - by anchoring the
 frames in a header or footer. Note 
 that the frames themselves do not need
 to be physically at the top or 
 bottom of the page to achieve this:
 they can appear anywhere, as long 
 as the anchors are in the header or
 footer. Unfortunately, this means 
 that the contents of your frames will
 also be identical on each page 
 - which is clearly not what you want.
As an aside i want to use the
 frames to help arrange a multitude of 
smallish images which must be
 aligned in rows and _stay_ that way. I 
think this *might* be a fairly good
 way to achieve this but i'm 
definitely open to better ideas.
 I suspect this problem cries out for
 using a drawing (Draw) document, 
 not a text (Writer) one.
 o Set up a single page with your images
 for that page.
 o Select the page in the Pages panel.
 o Copy.
 o Paste the page - with identical
 images - as necessary.
 o In subsequent pages, select each
 image in turn and use Insert | 
 Picture... to replace it with the image
 you need there. The new image 
 will occupy the same space.
 I trust this helps.
 Brian Barker
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