Hi Gordon,
gordon cooper schrieb:
Currently working here in Libre office
In assembling a set of .odt files from two different sources to make a
user manual,
am finding that the title of some files - which is Styled Heading 1 - is
not being recognised
by the Navigator and therefore does not appear in a TOC. If the style
is changed
to Heading 2 , the Navigator sees it and the TOC shows the title Have
tried deleting
the title and retyping it and setting style to Heading 1 but no
The Navigator show paragraphs which are "true" headings and that does
not depend on the name of the style. Instead go to Tools > Outline
numbering and make sure that for "Level 1" the style "Heading 1" is
Files that have been written with LO 5.2 do show Heading 1 in the
navigator, but those
made with 5.3 do not. I could not see anything in the 5.3 release notes
that could
cause this problem. Am I missing something?
If you ever have tried to use a bullet for that level [which is not
possible] such error might appear.
Kind regards
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