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i am using nvda screen reader and i am not familiar with other screen readers.

however, libreoffice since version 4.3, does not require java, java
access briedge etc to support screen reader!

for me who use nvda, Support assistive technology tools is checked for
me by default.

you can download nvda for free for this purpose.
its opensource and you can donate to the project for its improvement.

here you are the link for downloading the last version of it.

i use libreoffice 32bit.

hope that help, God bless you and his infinite mercy i pray for you!

On 9/10/17, Simon Ley <> wrote:
Hello everyone!

As a learned computer scientist, I am currently helping a blind man with
his computer running the screenreader ZoomText 10.11.9. We have recently
upgraded to Windows 10 and wanted to set up a text processing software.

Having installed LibreOffice 5.3.4 (64 bit), I then installed the 64 bit
version of jdk-8u131, enabled the support of "assistive technology tools"
in the LibreOffice settings and entered the path to the JRE within the JDK,
which was successfully detected. However, ZoomText wouldn't work, it would
read neither the menu bar nor the typed text.
I also tried the same with Oracle's OpenOffice 4.1.3 32 bit and 32 bit JDK,
where ZoomText could at least read the menu items, yet the main text was
still inaccessible.

I am now at a loss of ideas. I wonder if there is some kind of error log
which may point out the problem? I'd be very grateful if you could help us.

Thank you in advance, best regards,
Simon Ley

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