On 09/08/2017 09:10 AM, H. Stoellinger wrote:
I have been using LO-Base with all the available connectors to MySQL
databases for years
(as a relatively happy customer!). Now I am having trouble using JDBC
in my client-server
environment together with LO 5.4.1. Is there a native connector
(64-bit, Linux-Mint 18.2)?
Thanks for the good work and regards from Salzburg
H. Stoellinger
For what it's worth, I am using 32-bit Linux LO with the Oracle
mysql-connector-java 5.1.42 driver and mariadb 10.0.30 and it works
fine. Mariadb has their own connector-java driver, but since I have
something that works, I have not bothered to investigate it. The
so-called LO "native" driver has been promised for years and as far as I
can tell, it is still a myth.
Girvin Herr
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