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Le 08/09/2017 à 14:07, Albrecht Dreß a écrit :

Hi Albrecht,

I have a PostgreSQL data base and want to use LibreOffice Base as nice frontend for adding and 
modifying data.  The Postgres tables contain data arrays, like

CREATE TABLE contact (
  email text[]

How are you connecting to your pg database ?
Via a JDBC driver or using the native postgres driver provided within
LibreOffice ?

Depending on which one you are using, support for a given data type, in
this case, an array, might be different (I don't know off-hand, I
haven't tested).

My problem: how can I create a form to fill in such arrays?  A simple (multiline) text field will 
try to insert its content as text, of course leading to a SQL error.

A simple solution would be using the Postgres function string_to_array() or 
regexp_split_to_array() (or even a more sophisticated Stored Procedure) in the INSERT statement, 
splitting the multiline text into array items.  However, I didn't find a way to tweak the SQL 
statement like this.  If this even possible?

Using a macro that takes your form control text and inserts it into a
preparedStatement object, it would/should probably be possible. I doubt
that the Form GUI supports this kind of thing directly though (but I'm
far from being an expert with postgres data type support in LibreOffice).

As you mention, it might be more efficient to do this via a stored
procedure in the backend rather than fudging something in the frontend.

Or is there an other "standard" way for dealing with array data types?

Not without using macros, that I know of, but I would love to be proven


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