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Le 07/09/2017 à 12:12, Tom Davies a écrit :
Hi :) 
1.  Is there an easy work-around such as using "Pages" to save in a
different format?
Pages 6.2 (latest version available on OSX 10.12.6) can export to :

Word (DOCX or DOC97-2004)
Plain text

so potentially, there are one or more workarounds.
2.  Does Microsquish Office open such files any better? 
No - Word thinks the file is OpenXML and fails to parse it correctly,
resulting in no file being loaded/displayed.

3.  Is it easy to file a bug-report against "Pages" with better
likelihood of Apple fixing it?  

No. It isn't Apple's problem after all, they haven't broken their own
product. The LibreOffice import filter isn't up to the job, that's all.
One might go out on a limb and suspect that Apple deliberately changed
its file format to thwart importation into LibreOffice, but that would
be just paranoid thinking, wouldn't it...


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