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Writer 64bit in UbuntuStudio 16.04 LTS
Writer 64bit in Windows 10

When I double-click on a different page style, the existing page style
remains unchanged although the icons on the menu bar and in the status
bar immediately indicate that the document has an unsaved change.

I have also tried the 'fill format mode' to change the page style. I
cannot get that to work either but it also results in Writer thinking
the document has an unsaved change.

During a few dozen tries on the 2 operating systems, I was able to get
the double-click method to work a couple of times but have been
completely unable as yet to determine why those two times succeeded and
the others did not.

The only reliable method I have found is to use the Insert > manual
break > page break and then select the new page style. This inserts a
new page of the style I want; I copy the contents off the original page
and paste into the new page. Finally I delete the unwanted page with the
old style. This is a bit laborious but works well.

I did a quick search to see if this is a known bug but didn't find anything.

Anyone else had similar experiences?


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