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At 10:06 31/08/2017 -0500, Alex Noname wrote:
After a recent update to Version:, Writer only prints in landscape. Calc prints fine. Writer Print To PDF and To Printer is landscape though GUI shows portrait. I deleted the printer and then installed again to no avail. Mac OS 10.12.6 Sierra. Please advise. suggests that this is a known bug, not yet remedied.

I'm not sure what you mean by "Print To PDF": are you using a Mac facility to do this or LibreOffice's own File | Export as PDF...? One of the workarounds suggested is to use Export as PDF... and then print that from your favourite PDF viewer. Does that not work for you?

The other suggestion is to tinker with the page size very slightly (and imperceptibly), so that you are actually using a user-defined paper size instead of the built-in A4 or Letter or whatever.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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