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On 08/18/2017 08:20 PM, Marc Grober wrote:
While I have not had this problem up until today, I understand that this
problem has cropped up from time to time and no one has yet resolved the

I have OSX 10.11.6 and just recently updated to LO - print at
issue is an HP Deskjet 8500 A910

Suddenly LO documents show up correctly in preview, but only appear in
landscape in print dialog, and only print in landscape. All other
applications appear to work fine.

However, sometimes the document will appear correctly and will print
correctly, but continued use of LO will then result in reversion to the
landscape mode. There is nothing I can determine that causes the
reversion to proper behavior. Deleting and reinstalling the printer does
not seem to help.

I tested changing the format to A4 and that seems to put things right,
so I tested setting the dialog at letter but reducing the page width
from 8.5 to 8.49, and that correct the problem as well.......

Is this likely some kind of page tray sensor issue?

Yes there is a paper tray sensor.

Tools > Options > LibreOffice Writer > Print

Other - paper tray from printer settings

I use Ubuntu Linux. I default all of my printers, except one, to letter portrait.

For a work-around, I just change the printer's default setting. Sometimes I like to use Borderless Letter size, so it is easier to export the document to PDF and use the PDF reader's printing option for that page size.

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