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I can't help you with your problem but usually to someone can help you, it is necesary to know your Operative System, and the version of LibreOffice that you are using (Where you get the problem with Draw)


Jorge Rodríguez

El 31/07/2017 a las 23:35, Art escribió:

I’m having a problem when trying to use Draw, the other Libre Office programs run great, and it’s been months since I had an error of any kind.

My system is a ThinkCenter with a second generation I5 processor, tons of ram, an ssd and I have an encrypted drive. I do not have any problems when using the spreadsheet or Writer. This has been happening for awhile, and I assumed someone had registered a bug. Today, I see that there is no bug listed.

If I open a new Draw document, make a single entry and then try to save it (even if the document is empty), the vast majority of my icons immediately change to ‘grayed out’ and I get an error message stating:

Error saving the document Untitled1
General Error.
General input/output error.”

From that point, there is nothing I can do that will allow me to continue editing the document...because most of the icons are grayed out.

When the computer is restarted, and I open Draw again, I get the dialogue screen saying that I need to recover my files. However the recovery fails and I have to click on the ‘discard the files’ button.

I created a video showing the problem, but a 25 second video (.avi) was 3.6GB, not sure why it was that large. I used Kazam.

I removed libreoffice-draw (with the purge command) and reinstalled it (both from the command line). It still has the same problem.



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