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bunk3m schrieb:
Thank you Jorge.

I have checked this.  The Mac settings are OK.  It works with Excel fine
and Apple Numbers.  Mac settings are to show decimal as "."

I have some LO Calc sheets that were created a few years ago that are
OK.  It seems to be some change in the last few versions??

Would you know if there are any override settings in the LO Preferences?
 I can't find it if it exists.

There exists the setting in Tools > Options > Language Settings > Languages, where you can determine the decimal separator key.

In addition there is a setting "Ignore system input language", but I don't know, what effect it has.

Another setting is in the cell properties in Format > Cells. On the tab "Numbers" you find top right a "Language" drop-down list. You can determine the language for numbers independent from UI. Do not use the "Default - xyz" but select the correct language explicitly.

That the places I know, which might influence it.

Kind regards

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