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  I was not aware of this facet but now having read through
your references, I fully understand. Thank you.

However, the Alternative text should not appear if the image
already has the Name used as the caption. In our case, Alt.
does not appear on the Libre Office original but shows up on
an html export.  This has been reported as a bug. Meantime
I am deleting anything on the Alternative text line as this may
cause confusion, particularly in translated copies.


On 28/07/17 02:08, V Stuart Foote wrote:
There is another facet of this that is not being considered.  Accessible
documents.  That is for accessibility and support of Assistive Technology
tools we are required to provide the Alternate text and titles.

Believe the default filters (import and export) are configured to facilitate
that. Additionally, within the UI imposing name for the images/objects is
displayed in the Navigator GUI--unnamed images/objects are not shown by

Some coverage in BZ issues

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