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We have a process for creating lab reports where a template *.ods file is
duplicated, values are inserted in the cells of the files via a Perl script
(OpenOffice:OODoc), there are a bunch of formulas in there which should act
on those values, and then the file is converted to a PDF like so:

libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf filename.ods --outdir .

This has worked for years with LibreOffice 3.5 running on an OpenSUSE 11.3
server.  My task here is to migrate this process to a new CentOS 7.2.1511
server.  This distribution gave us "LibreOffice 00(Build:2)" which
isn't working the same way.  Using the same command does yield the same PDF,
but none of the functions are "recalculated".

To troubleshoot, I've taken the spreadsheet with the values inserted by the
script via the CentOS machine and opened it with the SuSE 3.5 GUI and all
the formulas are immediately calculated like they should be.  I've also
taken the same spreadsheet file, along with the one modified by the SuSE
box, and opened both in the 5.0 GUI, yet all the formulas remain
"uncalculated" unless I manually select every cell and recalculate it (F9)
even with the AutoCalculate setting enabled.  I've been working on this for
the last two days and my research has come up empty.  Is there a "hidden"
configuration setting I need to change somewhere or another command line
option I need to try?

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