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Hi Gentlefolk:

I have 64 bit Windows 7 Home Premium on a Gigabyte MoBo with AMD Phenom II X4 840 processor and 4 GB Ram.

I wanted to upgrade my 32 bit LibreOffice to 64 bit 5.3.4 "fresh". For 32 bit upgrades, I have always (successfully) installed over the previous version, but I was concerned about installing a 64 bit version where the current one is 32 bits. So I removed local help then the 32 bit program. I then successfully installed the 64 bit version and help.

My question is, was it necessary to remove the 32 bit version? I found no cautions about upgrading a 32 bit version with a 64 bit version in the notes.

Thank you all for a wonderful piece of software.

Warmest Regard
David Teague

nil significat nisi oscillat
do wop, do wop, do wop! -- Duke Ellington

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