On 23.07.2017 11:07, Dave wrote:
I am encountering an increasing number of scroll rendering issues, with
ODF documents (.odt) opened in LO 5.3.4 and under Windows 7, 8.1
& 10 The issue is that some (not all) documents take several seconds to
scroll single lines and up to a minute to scroll a few pages.
The issue does not manifest itself in LO 5.3.4 under Linux, AOO 4.3.1 or
LO 3.3 under Windows.
Is anyone else experiencing a similar issue, or is there a known
rendering problem in recent versions of LO?
For a little added clarification, the documents in question contain very
few graphics (in most cases none) and the scroll delay issue occurs in
parts of the document containing nothing other than straight forward
formatted text (eg. no images, no frames, no columns, no page breaks, no
TOC, or other content where similar issues have been previously reported
in Bugzilla.)
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