Le 21/07/2017 à 12:15, Budge a écrit :
I have a formula VLOOKUP(E2,Sheet2.A2:B690,2,0) in cell J2 which fills
in J2 with the value corresponding to the number in E2 which is looked
up from a table in sheet2.
My problem is that when I copy this formula down column J the E2 changes
to E3 which is correct, but the table defined by Sheet2.A2:B690, which
should be fixed, has the addresses changed also.
How may I fix the lookup table when I copy the file down a column please?
Add "$" symbols where it pertains.
In your case, your formula should look like:
Note that, when entering a formula, the F4 key (newer versions of LO) or
Shift+F4 combination (older versions) could help.
Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux
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