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My symptoms are similar to

With comment;
The large scale memory leaking seems to be fixed

On 20/07/17 00:21, Tim-L--Elmira-NY wrote:
What would you suggest I have my memory options increased to?

On this dual core laptop, I have a Intel B950 processor with 4 GB of RAM. I do have only 30-40 GB free space on the drive, though.
This laptop is the one I use for emailing and document creation. My 
newer one has heat issues [a different thread] so currently I do not 
use it much.
So what should be the numbers for the various memory size options?  I 
am about to do a "sudo apt-get purge libreoffice?" command instead of 
the "remove" option command.  Then I would reinstall LibreOffice and 
add the newest color pallets I have been working on every so often.  I 
know that the color pallet files work fine, but I only use them for 
very specific projects.
I was also wondering if Steve had the LibreOffice version number 
correct - 5.6.x? Since the newest version seems to be listed as 5.4.0, 
I hope he was talking about that version.  I do not want to wait that 
long for these memory "bugs" issues to be fixed.

On 07/18/2017 04:27 PM, Steve Edmonds wrote:
I am loosing my RAM to LO until it slows right down, I looked about and there are a number of bugs lodged and I have some recollection (vague) about LO 5.6 having resolved much of it. So you could try going back to 5.2 if that improves speed and hopefully some improvements will be backported to a release before 5.6. It may also be nothing to do with these bugs I experience, but it is simple to go back to 5.2 to see if that fixes it and possibly check out the bugzilla as often someone has had similar experiences but the situation has been resolved in the bug checking.

On 19/07/17 02:29, Tim-L--Elmira-NY wrote:
Yes, that reminded me to check it.  I had it set for much larger 
settings a couple version ago [64 bit DEB version] but it seemed to 
reset the figures during one of the upgrades.  It did fine keeping 
the specialized color pallets I have installed along with the 
default ones, but why the change for the memory usage?
I currently changed the memory option to 80MB for LO, 20 per object, 
remove from memory 20 seconds, and 20 objects.
It works a better when moving the 3 images around, but it took about 
30 seconds to bring up the Format>Page window, so I could change the 
document's margins.  That is my real problem. I do not remember it 
being so slow with the last 5.2 version I had installed before 
switching to 5.3.x.  I could have a simple all text document, or one 
with images, and it still takes a long time to view the Page 
formatting options.

On 07/18/2017 02:06 AM, Concerned Citizen wrote:
Lol. Ouch!

I do remember virtual memory issues on cheap XP boxes with 256 mb ram ;-)
On Jul 17, 2017 7:54 PM, "gordon cooper" 
<> wrote:
Nearest thing I have had to this was years ago when beta testing a vector
CAD programme on Win98. The author of the CAD had forgotten to include
to clear the virtual memory used for calculations during any drawing work
so that
the virtual mem and the RAM filled up and the computer eventually stopped.

On 18/07/17 02:21, Tim-L--Elmira-NY wrote:

I am using version on Ubuntu 16.04LTS with MATE desktop. The
laptop is a dual core with 4 GB memory with about 30 GB free space on the

Yesterday, I was making several documents with large images.  When I
clicked on Format > Page, it took over a minute to open up. It did this for all of the documents I created with large images. It did not do this a few
months ago with an earlier version.

Has anyone come across this issue before? It was a real pain doing the
documents over the weekend.

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