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2017-07-09 23:58 GMT+02:00 Jean-Francois Nifenecker <>:

Hello Gilles,

Le 09/07/2017 à 19:20, Gilles a écrit :


This PDF file
has no Table of Contents, and I was wondering if LO could grab all the
headers and build a TOC.

In order to create a PDF with a TOC/index you'll have to set heading
styles to the appropriate paragraphs.

Opening a PDF with LibO won't go anywhere as the tool for that is Draw
which can't set styles for a text processor.

I can't see a way to do that quickly, I'm afraid: a copy/paste from the
PDF document to Writer is possible but you'll have to fix a lot of things
(eg. useless carriage returns) and apply heading styles by hand. On a 400+
pages document this a big PITA.

Hopefully someone else will come with brighter ideas.

​You want brighter ideas? Say no more!

So... hmm... I'm afraid there won't be many fully-automated tools that can
build a TOC for you. A PDF basically contains a lot of individual elements,
that are arranged to look like ​something coherent.
From the document you linked, it could theoretically be possible to write a
tool that split every pages, grab the raw text, use a regex to find actual
titles, build a TOC, and inject it in the PDF. This would assume:
- Text extraction works correctly (it's not always the case with PDF)
- Titles always follow the same format

But on this kind of document, you could definitely get some acceptable
results. I experimented a bit. The output is here:
And for the curious, the "script" I used is here:

As you'll see, it is VERY specific to this document, ​but it is possible to
do something.

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