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Hi :)
I'm not sure how to clear the error-log.  Does it appear when you start-up
LibreOffice?  Sometimes when you start LibreOffice it asks if you want to
recover the document you were last working on.  Sometimes there's a list of
several documents to recover.  Most times if you just cancel that message
the documents are completely up-to-date and all fine.
regards from
Tom :)

On 9 July 2017 at 16:38, Huntly Ness <> wrote:

Hello Tom, just to tell you the wonderful news that, on advice from Brian
Barker, I   RESTARTED my laptop and then Installed L.O. and lo and
behold, the installation was successful.

Do you know how to CLEAR the content of the ERROR LOG ?

Thanks for your support,

Best regards,

Huntly   😂

*From:* Tom Davies <>
*Sent:* 09 July 2017 14:47
*To:* Huntly Ness;

*Subject:* Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Urgent LibreOffice

Hi :)
No worries.

It's best to include the mailing list;

so that anyone can pitch in to correct or develop ideas or come up with
something completely different.

Note that upper-case in email addresses all get converted to lower-case by
emailing systems so the capital-letters in an address are only there to
make it easier for humans to read or as decoration.  It'd be a tad awkward
if using an upper-case G sent it to one lot of people but a lower-case sent
it to someone else!!

Thanks, good luck and regards from
Tom :)

On 9 July 2017 at 00:40, Huntly Ness <> wrote:

Thank you Tom, for your input to my problem,  will contact you later on'

Best regards,


*From:* Tom Davies <>
*Sent:* 08 July 2017 22:22
*To:* anne-ology
*Cc:* Huntly Ness;
*Subject:* Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Urgent LibreOffice

Hi :)
All the music should still be there.  Even if LibreOffice has gone the
music files should still be there.  The icons will look very different for
them because the pretty little colourful icons will have been replaced by
plain greyish (or something else dull) ones.  However the file-names and
file-sizes should still be the same (please see note at end if you still
can't find them).

If Anne-ology's advice doesn't work then simply download LibreOffice
again.  You don't need to contribute any more so it's completely free.

Downloading a newer version is the usual way to upgrade LibreOffice.  I
think most people on this mailing list tend to stick with the "Still"
version rather than "Fresh" branch for machines we need to work reliably.
Some people stick with much older versions.  The "Fresh" branch is good for
experimenting with newer features.

Note:  When you install, or rather reinstall, LibreOffice it should
automatically find it's "User Profile".  So it should have all the same
settings and configurations that you set-up for the previous version of
LibreOffice.  This works even if you install an older version than you last
had.  The "User Profile" also contains "Galleries" and other folders and
hopefully things like your "Recent Files" list should be intact.

So, one way or another you should be ab le to recover your files
automagically.  :))

Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

On 7 July 2017 at 15:25, anne-ology <> wrote:

       Unless you somehow deleted LO, then it should still be on your
machine with all its files intact.

       What machine do you have?; if a MsFt WIN product, then go to the
'start' ... then either
          (1) 'search' for one of the files which were in LO ... this
lead you to where its located;
          (2) click on 'computer' then 'app data' then 'roaming' ...
down to LO's file;

       if you have a Mac. then click on 'finder' then check 'apps';

       if another machine, 'search' for the files may be the easiest.

       Unless you deleted these files then your files should be wherever
you placed them.

       Hoping this helps,

From: Huntly Ness <>
To: "" <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2017 21:09:59 +0000
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Urgent LibreOffice

Hello Libre Office,

I hope you can help me.  I went to use Libre Office (as above) today and
found that it was no longer available. The above was installed 15/02/17
I had contributed towards en earlier version.

I really need Libre to write my private mail.

For your information I am a very Senior Citizen (85) and this has  really
upset me that Libre was suddenly unavailable.

Needless to say I have lost all the Church music I had on it and other

The sooner I can get it back the better.

Thank you Libre Officeus, in anticipation.

Huntly M.Ness

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