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Hi Regina,

Le 09/07/2017 à 00:18, Regina Henschel a écrit :

You can get all conditions from the saved file. In case you use "ODF
1.2. extended" the conditions are written in the LO-specific element
<calcext:conditional-formats>. In addition some of the conditions are
written in <style:map> attributes as defined by ODF 1.2. In case you use
ODF 1.2, only <style:map> attributes are used, so that not all kind of
conditions are possible.

Not sure I'll go the file-unpacking route but this might be a way.

In the API look for "Condition..." in the com::sun::star::sheet module
reference (in the SDK).

For the ODF 1.2 strict way, you can look at

Thanks a lot for your insights. I'll have a look.

You might consider to write all hints and explanations more human
readable into a separate (hidden?) sheet.

In fact this is the aim.

BTW, as documenting is a key point of spreadsheets develepment, I think this conditional formatting listing could/should be made available somewhere in the UI, à-la range names insert.

Thanks again,
Cheers from France,
Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux

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