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Hi Uwe,

Regardless of the version of calc you are using, you can change the
decimal indicator.  In the spreadsheet, select the cells concerned and
then  Format > Cells > Numbers and select Language to Spanish (Spain)
and your numbers will go from 3.4 to 3,4

So your colleagues won't know you ever had a problem.


On 27/06/17 12:55, Uwe Brauer wrote:


I am using the english version of LO 5.3 and therefore I use the «.» to
indicate decimals: 3.4

However I have to interchange the documents with my colleagues which
using the Spanish version (of excel) so I must send xlsx or xls format

How I can I ensure that the spanish excel version of my colleagues
interpret 3.4 as a number, since in Spanish the convention is either 3,4
or 3'4?. I hoped that could be internally solved without any
specification but it seems not to be the case.

Any suggestion would be welcome. Thanks

Uwe Brauer 

Philip Jackson
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