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Je la 22/06/2017 10:44, Uwe Brauer skribis :
"Michael" == Michael D Setzer <> writes:
    > The help shows no --utf-8 option, it is a filter not an option?
    > I think this is what it would look like? Not sure of the LF,,, part of it?

    > /usr/bin/soffice --headless --infilter=Text (encoded):UTF8,LF,,,--convert-to xlsx test.csv

Thanks I tried it out in various variations

/usr/bin/soffice --headless --infilter="Text(encoded):UTF8" --convert-to xlsx test.csv

But the encoding is still broken.

I had recently a coding problem (for PHP .htaccess), because my favourite text editor "gedit" handles only UTF8 I was able to understand and solve using "medit", a text editor available through synaptic in my Ubuntu 17.04. It allowed me to chane the code of the file, which I switched to "occidental", and so made visible all the UTF8 characters (or parts of)

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