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Le 12/06/2017 à 14:59, Marion & Noel Lodge a écrit :

Hi Noel,

Installation of LibreOffice on Mac is relatively easy.
You will need to download the main app DMG, and possibly any language
pack that you want, if you work in a language other than en-US.

For a first time installation of LibreOffice, it is advisable to switch
off Gatekeeper (this is Apple's builtin security system which is on by
default) to allow apps from sources other than the Apple Store to be
installed). Although this is no longer strictly necessary (as
LibreOffice is a signed app), it can help avoid an interminable wait for
verification of the DMG package which occurs if you just double-click on
it and drag the app bundle to the Applications folder. You can reset the
Gatekeeper setting once LibreOffice has been installed.

You will probably be asked for an administrator password at some stage,
so if the Mac has a multiuser account, make sure that the user
installing the app has admin rights to the machine.

First launch of LibreOffice can take a while. Current versions of 5.3.x
are not particularly speedy, and are plagued with performance bugs, even
on modern hardware.

LibreOffice requires Java to function correctly with Base as you already
know, but not just any old version. Getting LibreOffice to work with
Java can seem a little like voodoo at times, especially as neither
Apple, nor Oracle give two hoots about Java working nicely with
LibreOffice, and additionally, LibreOffice sometimes has to play catch
up with Oracle's release numbers. Get the latest version of a complete
Oracle JDK (not JRE) and install that.

You may also find it helpful to install Apple's JavaforOSX.dmg, which is
now obsolete, but still available for download for those Java apps that
require it. I have no idea whether H2 requires Apple's Java, or whether
it will work just fine with an Oracle JDK. The only way to find out is
to test it. Potentially, multiple JAR file loading and instantiation
might be an issue if the JAR files have the same name as those included
in the app bundle of LO.

Setting up your connection to the H2 database should work just as it
does on Windows, assuming that you are using a JDBC connector.

Current bugs regarding databases and macOS (OSX) in particular can be
found in the LibreOffice bugzilla, otherwise most bugs are common to all


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