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I have gone to the BIOS and their "new" style of commands will not allow the what I have seen for booting from the DVD or USB. I can now only boot directly to Windows or a broken GRUB. If I could boot from something other than the hard drive, I would have been able to use my different repair DVDs.

Unless I have and enter the correct BIOS command, which I still have not found, I cannot get it to boot other than the hard drive.

On 05/27/2017 11:41 AM, jorge Rodríguez wrote:
Good day Tim:

Did you probe usb for boot repair disk (Burn it in a usb flash memory and would be boot there with your Bios). In GNU / Linux you can use UNetbootin, and in windows there are other similar solutions.

I hope this help,

Jorge Rodríguez

El 27/05/2017 a las 09:05, Tim-L--Elmira-NY escribió:
I have the other way around.

During an upgrade for Ubuntu, the computer crashed and messes up GRUB. So now I have a 1TB drive with access to only 1/4 of it. The problem is the DVD cannot be set as a boot option. BIOS has a weird way to set devices to be bootable. My other laptop's BIOS is easier. Of course its DVD boot commands will not work with the new ASUS's BIOS. So with this problem I cannot run the repair disk, since it requires to be booted via the CD/DVD drive.

The laptop had been able to boot to from the DVD, which was the way I added Ubuntu in the first place.

If I cannot find the correct BIOS commands - or maybe the GRUB commands - to boot the repair disk, I would remove the hard drive and repair the drive via another Ubuntu laptop. The only problem with that, I would loose my 4 year warranty.

On 05/20/2017 07:51 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
Last year, I accidently erased Win10 in an attempt to create a dual boot with Mint 18. It was totally my fault. Now, I'm kind of glad I did it. So far I haven't missed it.


Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Tim-L--Elmira-NY <>
Date: 5/19/17 12:49 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Canon USA Printer Support are using LibreOffice?

On 05/18/2017 07:24 PM, Steve Edmonds wrote:

On 13/05/17 10:48, Tim-L--Elmira-NY wrote:
On 05/12/2017 02:44 PM, James Knott wrote:
On 05/12/2017 02:31 PM, Tim-L--Elmira-NY wrote:
I would love to get it verified, but it would be a good marketing coo
for LO if a big company like Canon uses LibreOffice.
I used to work for a company that used OpenOffice (this was before
LibreOffice was available).  I suspect the only reason they did was
because they were so d@mn cheap, they wouldn't pay for MS Office. ;)

Well cheap or not, it is nice to have as many big companies using
LibreOffice as possible.

I bet there are a lot of people out there, and on these lists, that
are using LO not because of being "cheap".  It is nice to have a free
office suite but I prefer LO over MS Office. Just like I prefer to
use Linux over Win10 because of all of the viruses and other nasties
that Windows have, while Linux do not have these things infect their

And the suggestion that the latest crypt virus may have been
introduced to computers through a document macro makes me more
comfortable using LO without MSO on any win PCs.
Well, if you look at the CNN Headline News, they have stated that MS has
a patch for this virus, but wanted to charge some users for it. The
on-air comment seems to say that since MS had the patch, they should
have sent it out to ALL MS Windows users.  Plus, it the patch was
installed, most computers would not have been infected.

Fro me, I use Linux so I do not have the security problems as MS Windows users. I do have Win10, but rarely use it. Most times I just go to the
Win 10 partition to run the update app.

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