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2017-05-26 21:21 GMT+02:00 Pieter van der Burg <>:

Hi, i spent a lot of time re-installing LO on a W10 64bit PC which i had to
reset from scratch (virus). I ran into the following problem (using the
dutch language site): Downloaded ok (only 1 choice, so what). Then could
not find JRE. Repeated the install several times untill i installed an 86
version of the JRE. That worked fine. But i want everyting to run using the
full 64bits program versions. Through the ask.libreoffice forum i was
advised to look at the english download site. There you had indeed the
choice between 86 and 64 (which you do not have on the dutch site)
Downloaded and worked fine. I assume more language download site have this
inconsistency. It is a good way to scare people away from LO. Someone
should look into it.
Greetings from the Netherlands

​Hullo Pieter,

The above sounded rather different from my own experience, so I thought I'd
check it out by entering «LibreOffice» in my browser (Firefox Nightly) on
my Linux Mint 18.1 system and performing a search. This lead me to the
English-language interface at, where clicking
«Download now» brought me to a web page which suggested Linux x86_64(rpm)
as my operating system (it always misses that I have a deb derivative), but
allowed me to choose, among other things, Windows x86_64. It then suggested
a Swedish-language user interface and Help for online use -reasonable,
given my location here in Stockholm - but allowed me to choose another
language, such as Dutch, for the download, wherewith I ended up at
Do you see something different if you follow this procedure ?...


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