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Hi Pieter and all:

        As first answer but not necesary the best, BASE has it own report way,
but before you can filter or use query or mix tables data to make
consultation (Option below Tables at left). Then, after you make it, you
can go to Form option (The last option at left).

        In both options you can use Wizzards or make by your self. I suggest
you to use Wizzards to probe how is going on and if you like the
results. If not, try by your self, but this need to know better the
program performance.

        As I remember, Base generate a Report in Writer program that you can
edit after.

I hope this help,


Jorge Rodríguez

El vie, 26-05-2017 a las 21:25 +0200, Pieter van der Burg escribió:
I need a printed (paper or PDF) report from a small selection of my DB. I
am puzzled what is the best way to achieve that.
I am new to Base (but no PC dummy!)

Greetings ftN

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