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toki wrote
On 05/24/2017 02:42 PM, V Stuart Foote w

Sorry, but the simple truth is that developing and maintaining just a few
the diverse range of defined styles is out of scope for LibreOffice

A Citation Style Language aware extension could, in theory, support all
8,000+ formatting styles that are in the repository,
which utilises a CC-BY-SA 3.0 (unported) license.

but is fully in scope for projects like Zotero and Mendeley--or the

Those two programs use Citation Style Language for bibliographic

Yes and both already offer fully functional _extensions_ to LibreOffice  :-)


The simplest approach to rewriting the Bibliographic Component, is to
abolish the one database for all citations approach that is currently
used. Instead, have one database for every medium and format that is
cited. This is to cover oddities...

That would be the framework to which I refer ;-)   

But we were not talking specifically about rewriting the Bibliographic
Component and not clear at all that alone is the best way to proceed in
supporting Citation Styles as it gets rather far into core.   Zotero and
Mendeley both hold the data external to the ODF document and depend on
fields and paragraph styles.


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