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A thread on it here.


On 23/05/17 04:45, tedc wrote:
Using LibreOffice under CentOS 7.x. Impress can't handle eps
images--output pdf contains only completely unreadable low res bitmaps. I
haven't tried Writer yet, but wouldn't be surprised if the same problem
happens. This is a huge fail, makes LO totally useless for me and many
others. Almost all of my writing is scientific/technical, and the graphics I
insert into documents are almost exclusively eps. I have written literally
hundreds of documents that contain thousands of eps figures. Converting
those to bitmaps is a non-starter, not least because of the inherent
limitations of bitmaps. This has been a known problem with LO since about
version 4.2, and several fixes and workarounds have been discussed but so
far nothing has been done that addresses users' needs. Users already have
their own projects and need software that works, not another project.

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