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Hi Tedc:

        I did the similar process with a document with my printer HP-3050, and
it work well. At least in my printer I have some levels of Postscript to

        The problem would be in your printer driver capacities. I use Ubuntu
14.04 LTS with Cups and HPlip (Both in the repositories of Ubuntu)

        Process that I did: Select Print in LibreOffice, then there select
Properties, there you can find Divice Option, and there you can select
Type of language of printer: Select Postscript. Then select Print to
File Option in Option Topic out of Properties ( In the main window ).

I hope this help,


Jorge Rodríguez

El lun, 22-05-2017 a las 09:34 -0700, tedc escribió:
Using LibreOffice under CentOS 7.x. Impress can only print to a
printer or to a PDF.  Even though I specify printing to a Postscript file
File / Print / Options / Print to file
General / Properties / Device / Printer language type / Postscript (level
from driver)
then specify the file name as
the result is always a PDF. This is a big fail.

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